April 26, 2010

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

April 25, 2010

Matti saying her newest phrase.

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

April 6, 2010

19 Months!

Aubrey's new game - she seems to have a new one every day! - is to give her "surprised" look and see if others will return the favor. As if those baby blues could get any bigger...

April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Relaxing after a successful Easter egg hunt

Orin finds eggs growing on trees

The hunt is on in the back yard

Aubrey finds eggs everywhere she looks!

Umm, this Easter basket might be a little ... oversized

There's an egg! And there! Over there!

I'm into plastics. And your point is?

Very annoyed

Somewhat annoyed

Mildly annoyed

Minnehaha Falls

Mommy and Daddy took me for a walk and I got to see Minnehaha Falls, and unlike last time no Jackson kids died!

My Palm Sunday dress that Grandma B. made for me!