June 26, 2010

Shepard Rd Fountains

fountains down by shepard rd

June 20, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Is this summer or what?

Whakakau Paikea, hei! [The Whale Rider emerges, hey!]

Helping Daddy on his Father's Day scavenger hunt (thanks girls!)

Grandma passes out duckies with the LCUMC gang

Ready to watch the parade (I had to leave early because the bands scared me)

Grandma and Grandpa's 40th Anniversary

June 15, 2010

Our First Crop!

First crop of strawberries from OUR garden!

Jordan's Graduation

Can't believe I used to change her diaper!

Jordan and Grandma N.

Two graduates with pround parents/grandparents

These pictures are interfering with Matti's swing time!

With Ethan, Aaron "Junior Grade" and Isaac

With Susie and the kitties

Graduate smooches

Memorial Day at the Farm

I'm having so much fun pouring ice-cold water on toeses!

Hangin' by the pool with Grandma and Grandpa

I am Aubrey the Great and Powerful! I command these waters to obey!


Mommy, I need my bikini!

Walking on the causeway. I can't even spell "causeway"!

Ready to go for a walk!

Aubrey is obsessed with water these days

Ja, I got 80 acres of corn on da nort side dere, and anodder 80 of soybeans over t' da east - makes a feller tired just thinkin' about it.

June 14, 2010


When wannabe wine snobs become parents...

June 4, 2010

Matti can say love you!