July 19, 2011

Mom's Retirement Party 7/9/11

Mom before she got drunk and crazy!

The steering committee meeting

Matti prior to the cupcake incident

Mom and Dana

Steve, Ella, Taylor and Pete. Taylor's posing for the camera!

July 9, 2011

moms ready for retirement!

July 6, 2011

Fourth of July

We spent Fourth of July weekend at home for a change, which gave us a chance to have some fun together and enjoy the all-too-short summer

I love you baby sister...

...and now I teach you to fight! Hi-yah!

On the evening of the 3rd we had some friends over for a barbecue and a few fireworks. Penelope loves Dana's shortcake with berries and cream.

Hey come check this stuff out! I hear it's called "grass," and it's AWESOME!

Matti graduated to a big-girl swing after Ella inherited the orange swing. The rest, as they say, is history.

Wabun Park Wading Pool

The zero-entry wading pool very well might have to replace the remote control and the toasted sub as the greatest invention of Western civilization

Hangin' in the Front Yard

You can't give us a bath if you can't find us, heh heh heh

Ellie Belly loves the swing, especially the lounge chair part

No no Mama, you go in time out!

Wooooo hooooo!

Huh - bigger than Daddy's first apartment

A Visit From Uncle Der!

The first weekend in June sadly brought a final goodbye from our old pal Mace, but Uncle Darin got to have a short visit and get some quality time with the girls.

Greatest Father's Day Present Ever!

The giant gas grill? Well yeah, although lately we've gotten more entertainment mileage out of the box it came in!

"I do all my own decorating. All my own stunts too."

Peekaboo! Hope there aren't any Mattis hiding in there.

Pretty Church Dresses!

Don't - drop - your - sister!

Forget the ten pounds - the camera adds every booger these kids have had...

Seriously Matti, if we give you a dollar will you give us a normal smile?

More Random Springtime Fun

Me want! Me want! Ra ra ra ra ra ra!!!

A little elf keeps our flowers beautiful

At a school fundraiser in the L.C.

Ugh. I need to start crawling, and fast!

Making jewelry with some help from Grandma B.

On Memorial Day, Ella won her first 5K with a time of 31:30

Mendota Heights Park

Omigosh, lookit all the AMINALS!

Soft and fluffy

Hey Llama Llama, where's your red pajamas?

Her face notwithstanding, Aubrey LOVED riding the horses

Two of Aubrey's favorite things: 1) bouncy houses and 2) giving orders

Springtime Fun

Takin' 'er out for a spin

Yes, Mr. President? Which countries would you like me to blow up? Yes sir!

Matti helps Ella study the fine points of crawling

Soon-to-be marathoner ... might need some smaller shoes

That's a million dollar baby smile!