April 6, 2009

7 month Birthday

Although today is Matti's 7 month birthday, I realized that we never posted her height and weight from her 6 month check-up. She was 21.5 inches and 16.6 lbs. It is amazing how fast she keeps growing! She is more and more fun every day as she explores her world and tries to interact with all the people around her. Matti is finally sleeping through the night. It is so wonderful to get up in the morning (after actually sleeping) and go into her room and have her waiting there with a big smile on her face as soon as she sees her mom or her dad. Every time I think I there is no way to possibly love her more, she smiles and my heart gets even bigger.

She is transferring toys from one hand to the other and everything she is able to grab goes directly into her mouth. Matti seems to have adjusted well to daycare - she loves to see her little friend Sydney! She must be pretty active at daycare because she is pretty pooped when she gets home at night. There is a lot of people to keep track of there, so it can make a girl exhausted. Matti got her passport in the mail on Saturday so we are all set to go on our little get away to Mexico in a couple of weeks - Ole! We shall see how the 4 hour flight goes with the little one. Hopefully our fellow passengers will not want to ring our neck by the time we land.

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