August 23, 2012

Some More Random Summer Fun


The successful conclusion of Matti's soccer lessons, or if you will, "keep your hands off the [expletive deleted] ball"

Camel ride at St. George's Antiochan Orthodox Church.  Maybe we just run in the wrong circles but I've never heard so many Christians speaking Arabic at the same time in the same place.  And the food was AWESOME.

That's a great big hole in front of the State Capitol.  This will someday be the Central Corridor of the light rail system.  Hindsight being 20/20 I should have taken a picture every week so one could see how the project has progressed.  As of this posting the station is getting set up and concrete is being poured.

Daddy with Baby James Nordin

The Target Center and Target Field from the 50th floor of the IDS Center

On a quiet weekend, Mommy and Matti camped in the back yard.

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