September 30, 2011

Aubrey's 3rd Birthday

This birthday stuff is so complicated ... wake me when it's over, 'kay?

Mom and Dad's favorite part: NO MORE NOOKIES!

The birthday girl and Daddy discuss the finer points of blueberry muffins

Still not over yet, huh? Okay catch ya later...

Where's my quirt? ... Yes, my quirt. What, you expect me to go riding without a QUIRT??? Are there no civilized people here?

Grandma held the lead, as you can see the horse was a serious flight risk

Birthday cake, nummy nummy!

We don't quite recall what she was celebrating here, but it must have been awfully good.

A new bike! Grandpa and Grandma B. show Aubrey the ropes

Showing off her stylin' new wheels

Birthday party day! Swings, duck fishing, and lots of fun stuff to do

Satomi, Aubrey and Maya discuss interior decorating

Bouncy house heaven, awww yeahhh....

Wait a minute ... you mean these were just for the TABLES?!?

Okay here we go: clockwise from left we've got Violet, Maya, Lewis, Satomi, Penelope (obscured), Aubrey, and Johnny

Reverse angle: Penelope, Aubrey, Johnny, Violet, Maya, Lewis, Satomi

The coast is clear! Taylor makes a break for it

Lake Crystal B Squad with Matti and Peeps

Ella extols the virtues of the Leapfrog table

Best ... picture ... ever. Thanks Uncle Bongo!

With the party guests gone, now it's the family's time to play!

Daddy, my birthday is coming up ... looking in your general direction...

Some Random Summer Fun

So what's up with all the ginormous frogs taking up residence in our watering cans? Did somebody tick off Moses again?

Okay so here's the plan ... you start wailing until your mommy brings you a bottle. I'll make a break for the gate. If my mommy picks me up, I'll throw a really big fit until she brings ME a bottle, then you use the diversion to unlock the door. Got it? Okay, BREAK!

Dang, we almost made it...

Out for a bike ride ... two peas in a pod!

Minnesota State Fair

Farmer Matti heads out to the field on her John Deere

Grandma B. and Mommy help the girls feed the chickens

The closest we could get to a decent picture of the two squirmy little monkeys in the barn

Matti takes Mommy on the Caterpillar, a ride that seemed to go way too fast for little kids - but the faster it went the more Matti liked it. She's got a need for speed!

Check it out! Riding the mini Ferris wheel like a pro

Watch out Grandma, I think Matti's about to eat your chain saw

Ellie Bean gets a little lunch - all this ridin' around sure makes a girl tired

Matti lovin' up some brand-new Holsteins

Little-known fact about Daddy: despite having been born and raised on a farm, this was the first time he had ever hand-milked a cow (ours were BEEF cows...)

...and some warm Sweet Martha's cookies to finish out our adventure!

A surprise visit from Uncle Everett and Aunt Jan! Ella shows off her stuff

Bongo's 40th Birthday

The birthday boy and family - sorry, this was the best I could do from the side

Cecelia and Penelope are fascinated with little Isabella

(classical names galore!)

Here, let me help you with that!

Aubrey shows Mommy how to blow bubbles

Ohhh, too much fun having a baby to play with...

Warrior Dash 2011

One thing we didn't really think about when we signed up to run the Warrior Dash at Afton Alps, a downhill ski area ... the obstacles were the EASY part.

BEFORE - we're so cute!

The Gauntlet of Fire!

We remember "richer or poorer," "better or worse," and all that stuff ... don't remember anything about "mudholes and barbed wire"

AFTER - still cute, and very dirty

Casualties: 2 pairs of socks and running shoes