September 30, 2011

Minnesota State Fair

Farmer Matti heads out to the field on her John Deere

Grandma B. and Mommy help the girls feed the chickens

The closest we could get to a decent picture of the two squirmy little monkeys in the barn

Matti takes Mommy on the Caterpillar, a ride that seemed to go way too fast for little kids - but the faster it went the more Matti liked it. She's got a need for speed!

Check it out! Riding the mini Ferris wheel like a pro

Watch out Grandma, I think Matti's about to eat your chain saw

Ellie Bean gets a little lunch - all this ridin' around sure makes a girl tired

Matti lovin' up some brand-new Holsteins

Little-known fact about Daddy: despite having been born and raised on a farm, this was the first time he had ever hand-milked a cow (ours were BEEF cows...)

...and some warm Sweet Martha's cookies to finish out our adventure!

A surprise visit from Uncle Everett and Aunt Jan! Ella shows off her stuff

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