September 30, 2011

Aubrey's 3rd Birthday

This birthday stuff is so complicated ... wake me when it's over, 'kay?

Mom and Dad's favorite part: NO MORE NOOKIES!

The birthday girl and Daddy discuss the finer points of blueberry muffins

Still not over yet, huh? Okay catch ya later...

Where's my quirt? ... Yes, my quirt. What, you expect me to go riding without a QUIRT??? Are there no civilized people here?

Grandma held the lead, as you can see the horse was a serious flight risk

Birthday cake, nummy nummy!

We don't quite recall what she was celebrating here, but it must have been awfully good.

A new bike! Grandpa and Grandma B. show Aubrey the ropes

Showing off her stylin' new wheels

Birthday party day! Swings, duck fishing, and lots of fun stuff to do

Satomi, Aubrey and Maya discuss interior decorating

Bouncy house heaven, awww yeahhh....

Wait a minute ... you mean these were just for the TABLES?!?

Okay here we go: clockwise from left we've got Violet, Maya, Lewis, Satomi, Penelope (obscured), Aubrey, and Johnny

Reverse angle: Penelope, Aubrey, Johnny, Violet, Maya, Lewis, Satomi

The coast is clear! Taylor makes a break for it

Lake Crystal B Squad with Matti and Peeps

Ella extols the virtues of the Leapfrog table

Best ... picture ... ever. Thanks Uncle Bongo!

With the party guests gone, now it's the family's time to play!

Daddy, my birthday is coming up ... looking in your general direction...

1 comment:

Jon N. said...

I'm just glad you use the word "quirt". This marks the second time in my life I have seen the term in writing. The first time I had to look it up! Well, I guess it makes it the third time then, but only actually used twice.